Adirondack Adventure

Not running for 2024

Truly unplug and tap into yourself this summer in the Adirondack backcountry. Paddle, hike, and adventure through the Adirondacks as you practice your new survival skills, learn about backcountry cooking, test your limits, slow down to the rhythms of the wilderness, and learn to rely on yourself and your community. Step up to the challenge and find yourself, community, the power of the wilderness, and so much more! This trip will start at Eden Village Camp with 2 days of preparation and community building before heading up to the Adirondacks for 9 days in the wilderness. The group will return to camp for the last Shabbat to wrap up the trip and celebrate with the broader camp community.

Trip Highlights

Canoeing & Backcountry Living

Gain the skills for life on the water! Teens will learn how to navigate, paddle, pack, and carry a canoe with confidence. On a daily basis, participants will encounter the joys and challenges of living life in the wilderness. They’ll learn to cook together as a group both over a fire and using a camp stove, set up their tents, keep their gear dry, live without running water or electricity, and ultimately slow down to the pace of nature and come to see themselves and the world around them with new eyes.

Communal Living

Together, we’ll explore what it looks like to build our own inclusive, joyful, and intentional Jewish community. From imagining our own daily rituals, to supporting each other through challenging moments, cooking for each other, singing together, celebrating Shabbat, and creating home in the wilderness, teens foster deep friendships and a new understanding of what community can feel like. 

Step into Challenge

Participants will face moments of communal and individual challenges throughout the trip, from building fires in the rain, to portaging from one stream to the next. We’ll explore how to dig deep, support each other, and grow more compassionate inner voices. At the end of the trip, teens have the chance to spend a full day alone in the wilderness in a challenging, spiritual, and transformative practice of a wilderness solo. 

Wilderness Skills

Teens will move beyond the basics of camping and canoeing and spend time honing their primitive wilderness skills. Time in the backcountry is expansive, and depending on what each participant is excited about they’ll have the opportunity to dive deep into various wilderness skills including navigation, catching and processing fish, fire building, bow drill, whittling, cordage, shelter building, learning the stars, and so much more. 

Jewish Connection

The group will explore how Jewish tradition grounds us in our connection to the land, ourselves and each other. They’ll get to experience deep gratitude for meeting our basic human needs, and the beauty of creating their own Shabbat practice. They’ll participate in a ritual mikvah, learn to set up an eruv and facilitate their own shabbat and daily Jewish rituals.


The trip costs $4,500. If you have questions about affording the trip, you can learn more about Financial Aid or give us a call at 845-809-0080.

We’ve provided a detailed packing list to help you prepare for the trip. Please read through it carefully to make sure you have everything you need.

Absolutely not! Our trip is designed for both teens new to Eden Village and long-time campers. Our goal is to bring the love and spirit of Eden Village into our program, but craft an original and unique experience for all participants.

2 weeks! The group will start off the first 2 days at Eden Village, spend 9 days in the wilderness, and return to camp for the last shabbat.

Yes, just like at Eden Village, the trip is kosher and Shabbat observant.
We pack out food from the Eden Village kitchen and cook all our own meals with our own dishes and cooking implements.

Each shabbat, we setup camp, including an eruv. The group will not be cooking, traveling, or building fires on Shabbat. We’ll be creating our own Shabbat ritual and practice in the woods, similar to what we do at camp.

Yes! The trip will spend two days at camp before trip and two days at camp after the trip before heading home. While at camp, the group will be sleeping in tents on the farm.

That’s no problem! This trip is designed to challenge both first time adventurers and longtime nature lovers. We’ll teach you everything you need to know, and guide you throughout the process of learning how to live in the wilderness.

That being said, this is a strenuous trip. Please contact camp if you are unsure if your camper will be able to participate.

Yes! We will be in the true backcountry without power or cell access. The staff will have a satellite phone (with solar charger) for daily check-ins with camp and any emergencies.

Each trip is restricted to just nine teens, two staff, and one guide. The maximum group size on the trail is 12 people.

Each day is a different unique adventure! We’ll be doing a variety of things including (but not limited to!) canoeing, hiking, fishing, exploring, cooking, swimming, resting, and so much more.

Every day on the trip we’ll wake up, make some breakfast, and then head out for the day’s activity. We will spend 2-3 nights at each campsite, so some days we will be packing up everything and paddling to our next destination in our canoes, and some days we’ll be hiking or canoeing to explore the area around where we’re camping.

Each group of 9 teens is accompanied by two Eden Village staff members and one professional wilderness guide. Our staff are trained specifically for this program to help guide teens through this experience. The wilderness guides we work with have years of experience guiding groups in the Adirondack wilderness.

Yes! We would love to have you join Malchut (our 5-week capstone program at camp) in July and then put your wilderness skills in action on the Adirondack Canoe Trip in August.

Every year the itinerary is subject to change slightly based on weather, the flow of the river, the size of our group, and what our wilderness guide recommends. This is an example of what the trip will most likely look like:

Day 1: Arrive at Eden Village! Settle in, get to know the group, pack our gear and get ready to depart.

Day 2: Wake up early, pack up our tents and hit the road for a 4 hour drive up north to the Adirondacks where we’ll meet our wilderness guide. Learn to pack up the canoes and paddle out to our first campsite at Slang Pond.

Day 3: Settle into life in the backcountry wilderness! Spend a second night at Slang Pond.

Days 4-5: Pack up our campsite and paddle over to camp on Long Pond. Hike Long Pond Mountain, and spend shabbat together.

Days 6-7: Work together on our most challenging portage to move our campsite over to Floodwood pond. Camp on Floodwood pond for two nights, and pick up our re-supply of food!

Days 7-9: Move to Follensby Clear Pond for our last 3 nights in the wilderness, honing the skills we’ve been building. Teens can opt into a full day wilderness solo on the last day of the trip.

Days 10-12: Head on back to Eden Village for the last shabbat.

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The Adirondack trip is no longer running for summer of 2024

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