Daily Schedule

Every day at Eden Village is magical! Watch as Camp Director Simone walks through a typical day and everything camp has to offer!

Daily Schedule

7:55 am

Modeh Ani - Campers choose!

Start the day with intention. Modeh Ani means “I am Grateful”. Each morning option guides campers to tap into gratitude as they start their days at camp. Choose a morning practice option on the farm: Song session, traditional or egalitarian services, mindful harvesting, Torah yoga and more.

Typical options include: Dreamshare, Herb Walk, Spiritual Running, Body Movement, Chicken Care, Goat Milking, Meditative Basketball, Traditional Morning Service, Singing Tefillah, Farm Harvest, Journaling, and much more!



Locally-Sourced Eggs, Fresh Pancakes, French Toast, Organic Steel Cut Oats, Fresh Organic Fruit Salad, and Breakfast Bar options.


Bunk Beautification

Spend time beautifying your bunk, making your bed, and tidying up!


AM Bunk Rotation

With your whole bunk, spend time with one of our core specialties! Try new things like tincture making, shelter building, basket weaving, playing guitar, harvesting on the farm and so much more!

AM Chug (Elective) - Campers choose!

Spend 3 days immersed in a specialty at camp doing things like: soap making, fire building, stand up paddle boarding, goat shepherding and cheese making, pickling, sports, song writing and so many more!



Organic baked potato bar with southwestern lentil chili, fresh-baked organic cornbread, sauteed organic onions and mushrooms, and all-organic salad bar.


Menucha (Rest Time)

In the heat of the day, spend some time relaxing in the bunk, writing letters home, reading, or just hanging with friends!

PM Chug (Elective) - Campers choose!

The second opportunity during the day to choose another elective activity.


Shmooze & snack - Campers choose!

The daily free-choice festival! Swim, go stand up paddleboarding or boating, play music, practice circus arts, play soccer or frisbee, do archery, make tea in the apothecary, relax in the art room… it’s up to you!

Shower Time

Time to get that mud off and get ready for the evening!


outdoor Dinner

Eat outside in nature to the sweet sounds of a live band every evening. Miso-glazed wild salmon, organic soba noodle salad, organic sesame greens, Japanese organic cucumber salad, and all-organic salad bar… then berry cobbler for dessert. (Dessert every night!)


Tochnit Erev (Evening Activity)

Night hike, scavenger hunt, campfire song session, spa night, pool party, theater games, camp play, dance workshop, mud tournament….

8:30pm to 10:00pm

Laila Tov (Goodnight)

Staggered by age groups. An important time for bunk groups to reflect on the day’s joys and challenges, care for themselves and each other, and ease into well-earned sleep with their unique bedtime rituals.

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