Family & Friends Camp

Family Camp

Our Family Camp follows the traditions and values set forth at Eden Village, with a distinct family flavor. It is full of activity, fun and relaxation: organic farm-to-table living, animal care, swimming, boating, hiking, yoga, Shabbat celebration, meditation, arts and crafts, singing, campfires, herbalism, learning about local ecosystems and wild edible/medicinal plants, storytelling, helping prepare outstanding organic Kosher food, and of course eating it! Members of our summer staff will help guide the experience.

Eden Village is currently not offering Family Camp, as a result of the pandemic.
Please email us at [email protected] to be notified of future Family Camp dates.

A weekend for all ages!

Who is Family & Friends Camp For?

The program is geared primarily towards families with children of aged 4 to 16 and young alumni of Eden Village staff, Teva, and Adamah programs. The weekend features a range of activites and free-form time, with family time and supervised children’s programs for all ages interspersed. We encourage song-singing, the wholesome exchange of wisdom and life experiences, and the freedom to create adventures that inspire you! For one parent’s take, check out “A Love Note to Eden Village Camp” in the Jewish Week.

Family Engagement

Family Campers may choose to participate in activities either as individuals or as an entire family. A family that wants some time together might venture off along the Blueberry Trail. A parent who could use a little solo time might relax on the beach while their little one learns to make cheese in one of our supervised children’s programs. All are invited to sample our farm-to-table programs, which we offer for various age groups throughout Family Camp. Participants may choose to chat or read under a tree by the stream, by the goats, or at the pool. There are trails to hike and burgeoning organic gardens. Over just a few days of adventuring together, enjoying Shabbat, and celebrating our achievements, our group creatively becomes a community.


At all times, it is the parents’ responsibility to guide their children in choosing activities that take into account the child’s ability, and what they need to be safe for themselves and others. Parents and guardians carry full responsibility for supervising and caring for their children, even when they have temporarily delegated this responsibility to another person at camp. Supervised children’s programs are only offered at designated times and parents are expected to supervise their children outside of those programs or if their child is unable to participate in the program.

Housing, Meals, & First Aid

Families are housed together in open cabins, generally with 2 families per room. You can opt to have your own cabin too, and special accommodation requests are welcome. Shared bathrooms and showers are located inside the bunks. The bunk beds are a small twin size with modest mattresses, and each family is asked to bring their own bedding (linen sets are available to rent). The cabins have shelves for storage. If the weather permits, our pool will be open for swimming when lifeguards are present, and lifeguards will supervise canoeing, sailing and kayaking on our lake. Our lifeguards have current certification in CPR/AED and first aid and will be available to respond to any emergencies. Our kitchen staff coordinates the ample, delicious meals and snacks, which feature fresh organic produce harvested from our farm.

Check In

On the first day, arrival is from 5-6pm. We will begin at 6pm with Kabbalat Shabbat and Dinner.

We look forward to creating together a warm extended family, in a special atmosphere of relaxation, connection, discovery and fun! If you have questions, feel free to email Andrew at [email protected].

Important Details


TBA 2022

Arrival on Friday 5-6p; Departure on Sunday at 3:30pm (after clean-up and closing circle)

Refund Policy

Eden Village Camp will refund payments up until a month before the program begins, minus a $50 processing fee per family.  After that date, we cannot provide refunds or credits for future use. There are no price reductions if you arrive late or leave early, except for withdrawal on account of serious illness. Eden Village will not refund registration fees if you are asked to leave camp due to breaking camp rules or if you withdraw voluntarily.

Young Children and Chaperones

Children under 15 must come with their own parents/guardians or with an adult (21 or older) chaperone who agrees to assume responsibility for them. Parents who plan to send their child with a chaperone who is not a legal guardian must complete a chaperone form, which you can request from [email protected]

What to Expect When You Arrive

Jewish Life and Celebration

We cultivate a diverse Jewish community, with families from a broad range of Jewish backgrounds. We honor the wisdom of our tradition that guides us to give gratitude before and after each meal, to rest and celebrate together during Shabbat, to honor the laws of Kashrut – “what is fit to eat” – by adhering to rigorous rabbinic supervision and consuming only organic and ethically-sourced foods, and more.

Shabbat is a great mix of communal celebration, traditional and creative ritual options, fun organized activities, and plenty of time for relaxation.

We ask each person to bring an all-white outfit for Friday evening, and we begin the welcoming of Shabbat (Kabbalat Shabbat) with a festive parade from the bunks to our beautiful amphitheater by the lake, where egalitarian services take place. We provide our homemade prayerbooks (siddurim), and encourage families to bring their own if they like. Within the Kabbalat Shabbat service, we leave space for different practices. After services, we enjoy a true feast, followed by a festive song- and story-filled gathering (oneg).

Saturday offers options for morning services, and then the groups come together for one Torah service. After lunch, more leisurely afternoon activities, followed by dinner.

To honor our community members’ varied Shabbat observances, we ask our guests to pay special attention to the public domain during Shabbat. In public spaces, we ask families to refrain from turning lights on or off, using electricity or playing instruments. We encourage using the instrument of our singing voices!


Lifeguards will be on staff during Family Camp. The Lake and Pool are open only when lifeguards are present and weather permits.


You will be housed in camper cabins. These cabins are open buildings with bathrooms and hot showers inside. The bunk beds and single beds have foam mattresses. You can expect to share a cabin with 1 other family. There also options to camp or upgrade to a private cabin. Meals and general gatherings will take place in our Dining Hall. (Limited space is available for those who need facilities close to the Dining Hall.)

Wholesome Food

We serve organically grown, local food as much as possible and make almost everything from scratch in our kitchen. We choose food that is ethically produced, sustainably sourced, and minimally processed. Learn more about the food that everyone’s talking about….

Please note any special diet requirements on the registration form. A substantial vegetarian choice will be served at every meal. Snacks are available for between-meal times.

Meals provided for Family Camp include dinner on Friday, June 6th through lunch on Sunday, June 8th.

General Ground Rules

We strive to provide an environment that is safe and special, where we can leave behind some of the distractions of our everyday lives and gather in the beauty of nature and community.

Toward this end we ask the following:

  1. Supervise your children.
  2. Children under 18 must come with their own parents or a chaperone over the age of 21. Chaperones may be responsible for no more than 2 children.
  3. No pets. Please do not ask. It puts at risk our farm animals, the comfort of others, and your pet.
  4. No tobacco, alcohol, drugs or firearms.
  5. No electronic games, radios or boom boxes.
  6. Abide by these waterfront rules:
    • A certified lifeguard must be on duty to swim at any time at the pool. We currently do not offer swimming in the lake.
    • No child should be at the waterfront at any time without a parent or parent-designated adult.
    • Safety vests (PFDs, life jackets) must be WORN by each person in a boat.
    • A certified lifeguard must be present when people are boating.
    • Children under the age of 18 who can swim may go boating only with an adult.
    • No diving in the pool.

Register for Family & Friends Camp!

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