

Eden Village has received national attention for our innovative earth-based Jewish program and our one-of-a-kind camp culture.

“The camp’s ‘no body talk’ rule makes it ‘this utopian, wonderful kind of place where you’re not judged on anything except your spirit.’”
“I love it because it comes within the context of education,” Tova Garr tells Lilith. “It actually frees girls up, and boys for that matter….the value isn’t just the environment, it’s being able to notice what kind of internal conversation you’re having with yourself. How much of our day is spent thinking about what we look like? For many girls, that’s a huge part of their day.”

Selected for Slingshot

2012-2015 and 2017

For five years we’ve been named one of the “50 most innovative and inspiring Jewish organizations in North America” by the Slingshot Guide!

“Eden Village Camp has set a new standard for what it means to “go green.” As the first and only Jewish environmental summer camp, the Eden Village experience gives campers an opportunity to live and breathe organic farming, environmental education, spirituality, and social justice – all through the lens of Jewish values. By bringing to life Jewish topics that matter to young people today, the camp draws in Jewish families from across the religious spectrum, including 44% of camp families who say they would not have chosen a Jewish camp if not for Eden Village.”

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