
Terms & Conditions

At Eden Village Camp, our policies are in place for the safety and well-being of all campers and staff. We hope to foster an environment where campers’ behavior reflects respect for themselves, others, the camp, and the rest of nature at all times. Adherence to the rules allows us to provide an exciting, fun, rewarding and safe summer for everyone. I have discussed with my child the following responsibilities of being an Eden Village Camper: 
– Respecting the farm animals and wildlife 
– Respecting camp property (land, buildings, equipment) 
– Respecting oneself and the counselors 
– Respecting other campers, even if they are different from me 
– Listening to other people’s opinions 
– Participating in daily chores, table-setting, farm time, and activities 
– Writing a letter home twice a week (it’s okay to write more!) 
– Taking showers and brushing teeth 
– Making the most of the time at camp 
– Understanding that I will be at Eden Village Camp for the whole session 
– Being ready with a second choice for activities if I don’t get my first choice 
– Appreciating the care that goes into harvesting and preparing each meal, and being willing to try new foods 
– Spending time with new friends and including people I don’t know yet 
– Having a lot of fun! 
We also have policies or codes of conduct, as listed below, whose violations can result in immediate dismissal of a camper without refund and at parent/guardian expense, at the Directors’ discretion. The items listed do not necessarily constitute a complete list of prohibited behaviors:
– Endangering the health and/or welfare of yourself, campers or staff in any way whatsoever. 
– Hitting or injuring yourself or another camper. 
– Possession or use of any of the following, including but not limited to: weapons, tobacco products, vaping materials, lighters, matches, drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol. 
– Altering physical appearance, including but not limited to body piercing and tattoos. 
– Participating in raids or pranks, illegal acts, bullying/social cruelty, inappropriate sexual behavior, or harassment. 
– Leaving the cabin after camper curfew. 
– Damaging, destroying, defacing, graffiti-ing, or stealing property belonging to camp or other campers or staff. 
The following are not allowed at camp:
Cell Phones, Digital Video Recording Devices, Portable DVD Players, Digital Video Players, iPods, iPads, iPhones, iWatches, Walkie-talkies or two-way radios, Computers, Video cameras, Pets, Weapons, Vehicles, Skateboards, Hot pots, Heating- flat- or curling-irons, (or any electronic device with a heating element), Candles, or anything that could endanger the health, safety, or welfare of campers or staff. 
Campers may bring still digital cameras that have a video function provided that they do not use the video function. The camera may be confiscated and given back on closing day if a camper takes video. 
I realize that no environment is risk-free, and so I have instructed my child on the importance of abiding by camp’s rules, and my child and I both agree that he or she is familiar with the above rules and will obey them. 
Behavior and Consequences Eden Village Camp reserves the discretion and right to (a) reject or dismiss a camper, without refund, for any reason including but not limited to: violation of camp rules, creating a risk to the health and safety of others, or behavior which is deemed inimical to the best interests of camp, (b) alter/change a program or bunking arrangements, and (c) search the personal belongings of a camper. I understand that if my child violates the rules s/he could be sent home. If my camper is dismissed from camp, I understand that s/he will be flown home immediately at my expense and no refund of any type will be granted. 
I understand that the Eden Village Camp experience involves activities and group-living arrangements and interactions that may be new to my child, and that they come with certain risks and uncertainties beyond what my child may be used to dealing with at home, including, but not limited to, ropes course, biking, climbing, zipline, horseback riding, swimming, bus trips, weather conditions, plants, insects and rugged terrain. I am aware of and assume these risks on behalf of my camper. I am aware and assume the risk that my camper will be living in a facility that maintains beehives. Eden Village Camp is required to be permitted to operate by the New York State Department of Health and is required to be inspected twice yearly. Inspection reports are filed at the camp office. I understand that as in any non-urban area, while at camp there is an elevated risk of insect bites, including mosquito and tick bites, which can result in diseases such as West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and other illnesses. I have been made aware that all children should therefore come to camp with adequate supplies of insect repellent, and that while camp will use every reasonable effort to assist my child in the application of repellent, due to humidity, perspiration and other naturally recurring events, as well as the nature of insect behavior, camp cannot guarantee that my child will not be bitten and/or stung by an insect. I understand this risk and accept it on behalf of my child. I have been advised to discuss the importance of prevention with my child, and to instruct him/her that all insect bites should be reported to his/her counselor. It has been explained to me that for my child’s protection, staff members are not permitted to fully inspect my child for the presence of ticks or other bites, and my child understands that he/she must perform self-inspections for this purpose. I have been advised to examine my child upon his/her return home for ticks and other evidence of insect bites or stings and to take the necessary medical precautions. For additional information concerning insect-borne illnesses I have been directed to consult The American Lyme Disease Foundations’ website at https://www.aldf.com/lyme.shtml, and the US Government Center for Disease Control and Prevention website at https://www.cdc.gov, as well as state and local information. 
I hereby give Eden Village Camp permission to participate in day and overnight trips out of camp, and to transport my child in camp-owned and/or rented vehicles for camp-sponsored programs. 
Activities/Trips/Photographs/Information Release 
I hereby give permission and consent for my child to participate in all activities and trips. I grant permission, without reservation, to Eden Village Camp, the Foundation for Jewish Camp (FJC), the United Jewish Appeal-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, Inc. (“UJA-Federation”), and those authorized by Eden Village Camp, to take photographs and to make recordings of me and my camper or campers, and to use them in original or modified form in all media now or hereafter known, with or without my or my camper’s name or information about me or my camper, for the promotion, public education, and/or fundraising activities of Eden Village Camp, FJC or the UJA-Federation. I understand and agree that I am entitled to receive no compensation for the above. I hold harmless and release and forever discharge Eden Village Camp, FJC, UJA-Federation, and their officers, directors, agents, employees, independent contractors, licensees and assignees from all claims, demands, and causes of action that I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators or other persons acting on my behalf or on behalf of my estate now have or in the future may have, relating to the above. I agree that Eden Village Camp, FJC and UJA-Federation will be the sole owners of all tangible and intangible rights in the above-mentioned photographs and recordings, with full power of disposition, in perpetuity. I give permission to release my phone number, address and email address for use in the camp directory and other Eden Village Camp materials, and to share with potential families. 
Deposit and Refunds 
An enrollment fee per camper per session is due immediately upon registration ($500 for 2-3 week sessions, $750 for 5 week sessions, $1250 for Journey Sessions). This enrollment fee is applied to the full cost of the program. For all campers who are enrolled by February 1st, we are offering full refunds if you cancel by March 12 or 30 days after your child’s bunk fills, whichever comes first. After March 12, 2025 or 30 days after a camper’s bunk is full I understand and agree that the enrollment fee is non-refundable. Additional fees paid are refundable up until March 12, 2025. The balance of camp fees is due by March 12, 2025. After the cancellation deadline, all fees are non-refundable. Applications received after May 4, 2025, must be paid in full within 5 days of registration or 15 days after receiving your financial aid award, and no fees are refundable. If I have not paid in full by May 9, 2025, it will be assumed that my child is not planning to attend camp and his/her space may be given to a camper on the waiting list.  I understand that after the session has begun, there is no refund for early withdrawal, late arrival, or no-show of a camper. If a participant withdraws voluntarily or is sent home as a consequence of unacceptable behavior (see above), no refund of any type will be granted. It is the parent’s responsibility to cover any additional travel expenses.
In the event camp is unable to open or is forced to begin late or close early due to circumstances beyond Camp’s control, including but not limited to weather, floods, utility failures, inaccessibility, communicable disease, civil unrest, governmental order or other such reason, or in the event the Director decides to close Camp for health and safety reasons, Camp shall not be responsible for any costs, losses or other damages beyond a refund within the parameters stated herein, or a credit applied to future years, of tuition or a proportionate share thereof, in the event of a partial shutdown, minus any non-recoverable expenses and administrative costs spent in performance of this agreement. 
Post Camp Contact 
Eden Village Camp policy does not allow staff members to exchange private contact information with campers before, during or after camp. This policy is intended to prevent staff from providing a camper with any of their private contact information, including email addresses, phone numbers, social media “friending” or “following,” Skype information, texting information, and home address. It is also meant to prevent staff from accepting similar contact information from campers. If a counselor is found to have given or received such private contact information with a camper, before, during or after camp, this staff member may be fired or may be ineligible for rehire. This list of sample contact information is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather to give an example of what types of contact information are at issue. If a staffer is unsure of whether to give or receive information, they should ask camp leadership. The only exception to this rule is if a parent or guardian directly and personally asks a staff member for their own contact information. Parents or legal guardians are free to request, exchange or arrange contact for their children with whomever they wish. However, parents and guardians must understand that such contact is neither sanctioned nor facilitated by camp. This means specifically that if a parent calls camp requesting staff contact information, or if staff requests a parent’s contact information, camp will not provide such information to either party. 
Medical Treatment and Emergencies 
In the event of a medical situation, trained Eden Village Camp and/or medical staff has the right to administer first aid to participants, to engage the services of a physician or dentist, or to hospitalize a participant if deemed necessary. In the event of an emergency in which I cannot be contacted, I give Eden Village Camp authority to act on my behalf according to its best judgment. I understand that I am responsible for the costs relating to medical treatment of my camper. I authorize any physician, nurse or other health care provider, to communicate with the camp medical staff and director, or his/her designee, about my child’s medical condition, treatment, and/or prognosis. We further authorize the camp medical staff to discuss any medical conditions with the director, his/her designee, or the child’s counselor when the medical staff, in its sole discretion, believes such communication to be in the best interest of the child. These authorizations are limited to the start of my child’s session through the end of my child’s session. I consent to have my child use sunscreen s/he has brought or the camp has supplied, which is approved by the FDA for over- the-counter use to avoid overexposure to the sun. My child may be assisted by medical or non-medical camp staff if s/he requests. 
Property Insurance 
We suggest that you consult your insurance agent to make sure that your child’s equipment and personal belongings are covered while in transit or at camp. The camp is not responsible for such loss or damage by fire, theft, laundry, etc. 
Binding Arbitration 
I agree that any dispute concerning, relating, arising out of or referring to the subject matter of this contract shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration in Putnam Valley, NY, according to the then-existing commercial rules of the American Arbitration Association and the substantive laws of New York. The liability of Eden Village Camp shall be limited to the program fee. All claims by the undersigned will be extinguished if not brought within 180 days following the incident giving rise to such dispute. I waive any claims of liability,  release,  indemnify, and hold harmless any and all funders,  grantors, and donors financially supporting Eden Village Camp.
This is the entire agreement. There are no other terms or agreements that are not contained herein and no change to this agreement may be made. Acceptance and execution of agreement will be completed upon acknowledgment of receipt of your payment by Eden Village Camp. 
I have read the above Registration Agreement and acknowledge that it is my responsibility to be familiar with all registration materials, policies, guidelines and details provided by Eden Village Camp. I have reviewed and discussed the above agreement with my camper and voluntarily agree to be bound hereby. 

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