
From Yoni

Dear Eden Village Family,

I have some important news to share.  With a loving tender heart, I have made the decision to step down as the Director of Eden Village Camp. My decision has a lot to do with a theme paramount to camp itself: listening to our inner voice and making it our friend.   

I have a deep knowing that it is time for me to step back, and to have more time and presence with my dear family. I hope you know how deeply this decision is imbued with overflowing appreciation, love, and care for each of you.

Eden Village is my home and always will be, even as I will no longer have an official role.  Directing camp has been my great passion, dream and devotion – never a “job.”  I am awed by the countless families who treated me as a trusted friend and partner in helping to grow even-more-wonderful children and a sweeter world.  I had the idea to start this camp 15 years ago while doing the dishes, and I will be forever grateful to you and you and you for leaning in, saying yes, and making it happen.

For me, I’m both sad to leave the camp community we built together, and powerfully excited for the ways in which camp will grow without me.  I am full of angel-walk happiness for our new Camp Director, Simone Lindenbaum Ziv, whom I’ve worked alongside for the past 11 years building camp. There isn’t a better person to guide us through this transition and into the next chapter of our beloved Eden Village community. 

Just as you spread camp’s values in your home communities after camp, you can be sure I’ll passionately do the same with whatever comes next for me.

If you want to reach out and connect with me, I’d love to hear a specific moment or few that were especially sweet, helpful or impactful from your time at camp. 

Eden Villagers, I miss you already. But more than I miss you, I believe in you and will forever be your friend.


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